Perch People

Perch People - lockdown links

Keep in touch with our business community through lockdown – meet out members, make contacts and hear top tips for surviving through 2021


Ian Feaver, Managing Director of ARTEEL UK Ltd

Ian joined Perch Coworking in August 2020 and until Lockdown, he used the space one day a week, working from home for the rest of the week.

Here, Ian shares with us his hints and tips on what’s working for him during these unprecendented times.


Ian, tell us a bit about your business

We provide a peer-to-peer recognition platform (Recognize Peers) to companies of all sizes from 25 employees upwards to enable people to recognize one another around the core values of their company.

When people are given recognition around the values, they will live the values every day and this will improve business outcomes for our clients.


What business survival tips have worked for you during Lockdown?

1: To embrace change and new ways of working and use technology that actually makes business easier, more efficient and ultimately more successful. You can now host 5 or 6 meetings a day on Zoom or Teams, rather than 1 or 2 face to face on site.

2: I have also discovered that a ‘pull’ approach to the market is far more appealing than a ‘push’ approach. For example, when using LinkedIn and you find someone to connect with, the last thing your new connection wants is a direct message with a pitch for a meeting. Offer them insights, post creative material on LinkedIn and build the relationship. This approach over time will reap far better results and more interest in your business.

3: Networking events are fantastic and a great way to meet people who can connect you with hot prospects and suppliers. I have attended various network groups, such as Business Buzz, MK Collaborate and my local BNI network. BNI have a network of business people who can connect you with their business contacts who they can refer as potential clients and this has been amazing.


Early bird or night owl…how getting into that daily routine has helped.

In terms of my routine, when working from home, it is essential to know when to work and when to switch off. I normally start at 8am and finish around 5:30pm and take a morning breakfast break, a lunch hour where I watch the news on TV and then a mid afternoon 20 minute break. These small breaks enable me to recharge and gain clarity for my next session of work with clear objectives.

My week ends at 5pm on Friday and that is when I head straight to the fridge and open an ice cold beer and let the weekend commence.


What did you love about Perch when you were able to work there and what are you most looking forward to getting back to?

I am very much looking forward to Perch reopening because as much as I have my garden office, it is great to work in a lovely environment, with great facilities and in the company of other people. To chat and socialise with people who like me, are running their own business and have similar challenges is fantastic and helps us feel part of a team; like we are all in this together!

Thank you Ian…some valuable information in there that I’m sure others will find inspiring.


If you would like to learn more about Ian and ARTEEL UK Ltd visit the website:
connect on LinkedIn or contact him direct on 07793 804643
[email protected]


And, if you would like to discover your coworking community in the heart of Bicester, Oxfordshire, with memberships to suit all, then visit Perch Coworking or call 01869 690126 for an informal chat or to arrange a virtual tour of the space.