We’re adding to the Point of Difference Portfolio

We’re very excited to share that, as of beginning of August, we will have three offices available to rent in the most beautiful building located in central Banbury – The Manse – just up from the iconic Banbury Cross and the ‘Fine Lady on a White Horse’.

Sustainability. What are we doing to help the environment?

The Wood Workshop at Bicester Green Re-cycling Centre. Sustainability. What small steps are we taking to help the environment? Sustainability has been the nation’s buzzword for many years now. As a company that is always keen to get things right, Point of Difference have been ‘doing our bit’ for the environment but 2023 has seen […]

An unexpected journey – Where has your career taken you?


An unexpected journey – Where has your career taken you? I recently read an article that featured, among other industry leaders talking about the future of coworking, Mikael Benfredj, the “Accidental Co-Working Entrepreneur”, founder of the highly successful co-working space Patchwork, based in Paris. What I loved about his story is the unexpected way his […]